February 15, 2008

February 14, 2007

During the closing liturgy of our Plenary Council, Deacon Bro. Robert blessed the icon, "The Rule of Carmel". This icon, written by Bro. Claude Lane, OSB, of Mount Angel Abbey, was commissioned by our Province in honor of the eigth centenary of our Holy Rule.

This event icon depicts the writer, St. Albert of Jerusalem, handing on the rule to Bro. Brocard, who is believed to be the Prior of the early Carmelite hermits. In the mandorla of the icon we see the past as represented by our spiritual Father, St. Elijah, and St. Paul, in recognition of the many references to St. Paul's letters in the Rule. The present is seen in the event - the actual handing on of the Holy Rule to Bro. Brocard. And the future is seen in our Holy Mother, St. Teresa, as she stands beside Bro. Brocard.

1 comment:

Linan said...


Linda - watching it snow in Idaho after a VERY minor earthquake - not the Caliornia kind.

I hope you all are well.