September 30, 2008

Visit to new Oakland Cathedral

Fr. Philip, Fr. Adam and our Brothers of the novitiate visited the days old Cathedral of the diocese of Oakland, California - Cathedral of Christ the Light

September 16, 2008

First Profession of Vows - Bro. Charles of Jesus and Mary, O.C.D.

On Sunday, September 14, 2008, Feast of the Exultation of the Cross, Bro. Charles Nawodylo of Jesus and Mary made his First Profession of Vows. He is shown here venerating his Profession crucifix which he will wear over his heart and beneath his scapular. For a slide show of the ceremony go to

September 7, 2008

Investiture and Entrance into the Novitiate

Bro. Peter Gabriel of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

On Sunday, September 7, during Solemn Vespers and in the presence of the exposed Blessed Sacrament, Bro. Peter Gabriel Vecellio was invested in the Holy Habit of Carmel and entered the novitiate of our Province. Bro. Peter Gabriel was a privately-professed member of the Little Brothers of Carmel (private association of the faithful in Minnesota) for 12 years. He was received by Fr. Prior of the San Jose Community who was specially delegated by Fr. Provincial because he was unable to be with us.

September 6, 2008

New Ugandan Missionary

Uganda Update! September 5, 2008

Meet Fr. Lawrence Daniels, OCD, who has recently joined our Carmelite Mission in Uganda. Fr. Larry transferred to Kyengeza from our Carmelite House in Nairobi, Kenya (the foundation of the Eastern/Washington Province).
He is no stranger to Africa!

Fr. Larry writes . . .
“Please secure all trays. Put your seats in the upright position. Make sure your seatbelt is fastened. All luggage should be stowed overhead, or under your seat. We will collect . . . – the stewardess of the British Air flight from London to Entebbe, Uganda was announcing. Soon our Boing-767 sounded a rumbling thump and a huge plume of water followed us down the runway. A morning rain had just ended.

My luggage was first off, and a very friendly airport worker helped me with the bags and out the door. The air was hot, heavy, wet, and close. Lake Victoria captured my attention right away, for it is very close by. Then the faces of Fr. David (Costello) and Fr. Charles came up from the parking lot. What a warm greeting!

In a short two hours Fr. Charles had driven us safely to Kyengeza, our Mission in Uganda.
Oh, so many friendly people to greet. Faces become blurred and names muddled. Yet more welcomed me. Newly arrived, I knew no Luganda, so they very considerately spoke English. What a welcome!

Fr. Paul (Koenig) was in Luganda class when I took a break from unpacking. A hint of what I’d soon be doing myself. Thoughtfully, Fr. David suggested getting started with Luganda as soon as possible, which the teacher, Elizabeth, found a good idea. We began in a week. So it goes still. All my Luganda is in my heart, and nothing in my mouth. But slowly, slowly.

Each morning begins with Morning Prayer. As the light of the rising sun fills the Church, we begin our Luganda Mass and then the Office of Readings. The Luganda Mass is coming better for me now, as Fr. Charles helps me after supper to understand what I’m trying to pray.
The cooks prepare food that is plentiful, tasty and Ugandan. My abundant girth has not suffered any damage so far. My greatest surprise were the washing machines. And TWO of them! Ugandan, nonetheless. Very good, reliable and thorough. The brand names? Olivia and Judith.
This is a pleasant place. Much work has been done to build this parish with the inspiration of the pastors, and now Fr. David. There is a small gathering of animals: goats, chickens, rabbits, pigs, and a cow, “Carmelita.”

Perhaps the most pleasant time happens every evening, when our community gathers on the south-facing veranda. In the light of the setting sun and cooling breeze we pray Vespers. Usually the soft settling calls of birds come our way, and sometimes two of our friendly hens also decorate our praises. The closing of another day in the Carmelite Community of Kyengeza. A truly African blessing.

September 4, 2008

Labor Day Telethon

Deacon Bro. James Zakowicz, O.C.D., spiritual advisor for the Knight of Columbus (Alhambra Council 2431 -, joined the Knights in answering telephones for the Annual Jerry Lewis Telethon over Labor Day weekend.